Prenatal & Postnatal Fitness in Vancouver | The Bar Method Yaletown

Pregnancy is hard on your body, and you go through so many changes both physically and mentally during this time. Prone to injury, I was looking for a workout that would be gentle on my body but at the same time give me that challenge that I craved. I discovered the Bar Method over 5 years ago and it’s been the only fitness routine that I’ve EVER stuck with. The women and team who work here are honestly the best, they’ve created a space that’s positive, motivating and has a sense of community. Feeling comfortable where I work out has always been important to me and it really is a sanctuary. I love how you can see women and men of all ages, shapes, and sizes, and no matter what level you’re at no one is there to judge! Working out until I was 7 months pregnant at the Bar Method, I can honestly say firsthand that it made a HUGE difference in my pregnancy and postpartum healing. Read on to find out more from Carolyn of the Bar Method Yaletown below!


Whether you’re a first-time mom or expecting another child, having a baby is one of the most exciting times of your life!  Working out while pregnant can help you feel stronger and more energized throughout all three trimesters. It can even help you prep for labor and delivery while shortening your postnatal recovery. 

The Bar Method has become the workout of choice for women while pregnant for a wide variety of reasons.  Not only is it low-impact, but it’s easily modified to accommodate every stage of your pregnancy.  The Bar Method technique was developed in partnership with physio therapists who have taken special care to ensure that it would strengthen women while also keeping her and baby safe.

Here are my five reasons why The Bar Method is incredible for your body before, during and after pregnancy!

1. You can practice barre all the way until delivery! 

A Bar Method workout is tailored to fit you, your body and your pregnancy. The instructors are specifically trained to work with pregnant clients, offering the specific modifications you need to work out safely, but at the same intensity. 

2. Your abdominals stay strong!

It is no surprise that during pregnancy, your abdomen takes one for the team. After delivery, many women find their mid-section to be the hardest area to tone.  The Bar Method core exercises focus on engaging the inner-most layer of abdominal muscles achieved only through breath work—the transverse abdominus.  By taking The Bar Method before pregnancy, you already have a strong foundation. During pregnancy, the deep breathing continues to tone the abs even after active curling is off limits. Due to all of that work, your body will respond even quicker post–delivery.

3. It alleviates pregnancy pains! 

When you’re pregnant, your body releases relaxin which loosens your joints and ligaments to prepare for birth. Many women suffer with back pain, and it can be extremely uncomfortable and even sometimes debilitating. With the strategic balance of stretching and strengthening, barre is an incredible tool to help bring relief. It is also a great mood booster, which is necessary for the harder moments. 

4. It can aid in a quicker recovery! 

The beautiful thing about The Bar Method is that even if your delivery wasn’t easy or your recovery not as quick, the modifications are still there for you to jump back in at your own pace. Taking classes regularly helped me not only gain back my strength after labour but also helped me build the strength I needed to be a mom.   I’m always blown away by the post-natal clients at our studio — they bounce back to their pre-baby weight so fast. Talk about a confidence boost!

5. You’ll enjoy social interaction!

 Don’t underestimate the benefits of joining class with a group of dynamic, supportive and friendly barre-mates pre & post pregnancy. Spending time with others can help you rediscover your motivation and keep you inspired to stay healthy.

It’s always a good time to join us for class at The Bar Method!   Our warm, supportive community environment is non-competitive and non-judgmental. Everyone is working together with similar goals: to be stronger, more flexible, and ultimately the best version of themselves. Listen to your body when you take class. Allow yourself to take the options when you’re feeling strong and don’t be afraid to pull back when you’re feeling weighed down. Remember, your body is already working overtime so give yourself the grace that you need. Regardless of whether you do all three sets of thigh without resetting or finish that second round of push-ups without stopping, you are inspiring those around you without even knowing it. Each day will be different, and your body will communicate that to you!

We offer a Mommy and me class once a week when new moms are ready to re-introduce exercise after labour. It is a 45 min class where you are surrounded by other new mums, and you get to start to build back your strength.

The Bar Method Yaletown

The Bar Method offers a total-body 45-60 min workouts designed to strengthen, sculpt and lengthen muscles through low-impact, isometric movements.

111 Smithe Street, Vancouver BC V6B 4Z8



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