Nourishing Your Pregnancy | Foods to Support Each Trimester | Bloom Natural Nutrition

Pregnancy can be an exciting time but it can also be overwhelming. Your body is changing. You may be feeling exhausted or nauseous. You’re growing a human, and suddenly, it can seem like there are so many decisions that are demanding attention: midwife or OB, gender reveal or surprise, choosing names, birth plans, baby registries, the list goes on and on. A simple google search can yield conflicting opinions on almost any subject. Although these decisions are important ones, something that can sometimes be forgotten is how important nutrition can be in supporting a healthy pregnancy and birth. That’s why it’s important to focus some of that energy into fueling your body with the nutrient dense foods it needs will give your baby the best start possible. This will also prep your own body for the nutrients needed for postpartum recovery.

We all know that a well balanced, nutrient dense diet is important but it becomes even more so throughout your pregnancy when certain nutrients play a critical role in each trimester as baby develops. And, while supplementation can seem like an easy fix, it is not a replacement for a nutrient dense, whole foods based diet. Getting all these nutrients can seem like a daunting task, so let’s break it down by trimester with some easy ways to get the nutrients you need to thrive throughout pregnancy and beyond.

First Trimester

The first trimester is a time to focus on nutrients that support immune health and baby’s early development: vitamins B & C. B9, more popularly known as folate plays a crucial role in protecting baby from risk of neural tube defects, while B12 is essential for the synthesis of DNA and red blood cells in baby. Choline, a close relative of the B vitamins helps baby’s brain and spinal cord properly develop. Vitamin C (important throughout pregnancy) and zinc are also crucial in supporting your immune system.

Focus on: dark leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, legumes, citrus fruits, lentils, grass-fed liver, oats, eggs (organic pasture raised when possible), salmon, red bell peppers.

Second Trimester

During the second trimester, your blood volume increases by 40-50% as your placenta grows to support baby. This blood volume increase demands higher iron which is used to transport oxygen throughout your body and to your growing baby. Because of its role in increasing the absorption of iron, Vitamin C continues its importance. Around the 20 week mark, calcium also becomes important as baby’s skeletal system, skull and heart start to develop. This is also a time to focus on protein rich foods, as the amino acids of protein are the building blocks of muscle, brain, and tissue. Protein essential not only for fetal growth, but is also important for the growth and health of the placenta, uterus and breast tissue.

Focus on: Organ meats (organic, pasture raised/grassfed), salmon (wild), clams & oysters (well cooked), beef, lamb, chicken, lentils, beans, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, citrus, kale, broccoli, strawberries, cauliflower.

Third Trimester

With the third trimester comes rapid growth, making this the most nutritionally demanding trimester. Iron and protein needs remain high, and the role of calcium becomes ever important as baby’s bones are growing rapidly, becoming more dense and developed. Vitamins D3 and K2 which both play a huge role in bone health are also important. During this time, baby’s brain is rapidly growing as well. The role of essential fatty acids like Omega-3 become crucial. Since baby’s brain is made up of 60% fat, specifically DHA, these healthy fats are essential to baby’s brain development. Essential fatty acids such as EPA also plays a role in maternal health as well—EPA has been shown to lower the risk of postpartum depression.

Focus on: broccoli, dark leafy greens, almonds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, sardines, salmon, pasture raised eggs, traditionally fermented veggies, marine algae such as kelp, wakame or dulse.

Focusing on these nutrient dense foods can support you nutritionally throughout your pregnancy and set you up for your postpartum journey, especially if you plan to breastfeed. As a holistic nutritionist, I prefer to recommend whole food sources due to their many benefits including their ability to work synergistically together to activate and absorb the required nutrients. However, it is sometimes beneficial to supplement additionally. In these cases, I would recommend choosing a supplement that is organic, whole foods based, and in a form that is most readily absorbable by the body.

*A Nutrition Consultant does not diagnose or treat disease, but aims to work in complement to medical treatment as an educational supplement. Angela is not a doctor. Information offered should be taken as recommendation and not medical advice. Please consult your primary care provider before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Angela Hollett, Bloom Natural Nutrition

Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant

Certified Holistic Private Chef

Pregnancy & Postpartum Specialist

I provide nutritional support to pregnant and postpartum mothers through individual nutrition consults and private chef services. My mission is to empower and support women’s journey into motherhood through nutrition and food by providing them the tools to thrive in pregnancy and heal and nourish their bodies in postpartum.

I've also just launched "The Bloom Bundle", a weekly curated selection of meals, with a focus on warming, healing and seasonal plant-forward foods to support postpartum mamas and their families. All of our meals are designed with a focus on the essential nutrients for postpartum healing, but can be enjoyed by anyone.

Use code KIM25 for $25 off services (including prenatal/postpartum consults, or a Bloom Bundle). Offer valid until May 31, 2022.

Nourishing Your Pregnancy — Bloom Natural Nutrition


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