Infertility Story | Reproductive Mental Health | Vancouver, BC

In collaboration with the Butterfly Run Vancouver, BC Women's Health Foundation and Reproductive Mental Health we are sharing real stories from real women to support pregnancy loss, infant loss and infertility awareness. Read one woman’s story about infertility and her feelings surrounding difficulty conceiving. 1 in 6 women experience infertility, and I’m sure so many women can relate to this story.


This is the first time I've ever really shared this with anyone outside of my partner. I had never really given infertility a thought when I was younger. I'd always assumed that I wouldn't be experiencing this when I was ready to start a family, but I'm here anyway. It's been just about three years of trying, and we'd actually seen a fertility specialist very early on- 6 months in to get a better idea of our options. I'm not anxious or stressed about it, which surprised me. I'm just sad. I want to be able to give my partner the gift of being a father, and it hurts to think that I'm letting him down. I know that we've got options, and while I'm thankful for them it still hurts. It's a lot to carry around, and I realize that's why I don't talk about it outside my marriage. All that said, we are still hopeful. If we can't conceive, then I still think adopting would be wonderful. We've got a lot of love to share.


Ectopic Pregnancy | Infertility Story | Reproductive Mental Health | Vancouver, BC


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