Pregnancy, birth, new motherhood, parenthood, and reproductive mental health are topics we love to share about on our blog! As storytellers we welcome REAL stories, whether uplifting, heartbreaking, or somewhere in between. We welcome stories from guest contributors, please Contact Us to submit your story to feature on the blog.

Birth During Covid | My Second Cesarean and Spinal Block Challenges
Cesarean birth during Covid brings a new set of challenges, but when your spinal block doesn’t work after multiple attempts, there are a whole new set of challenges. Especially when you have a toddler AND a newborn to care for, as is the case with this second time mom! Julia is sharing her birth story today on our blog, take it away Julia!

BIRTH is BIRTH | A Mother’s Perspective on Birth and Stigmas
When you get pregnant you prepare for a “natural birth”. First off, I hate that term because to me ALL birth is natural, and you are a warrior for carrying your baby and delivering no matter how!! Everyone prepares you for a vaginal “natural” birth, and I find there is stigma surrounding having to take an epidural or having a caesarean birth so I wanted to share my experience and perspective for other women and mom-to-be’s who may be going through the same things I did.