Adorable Newborn Detail Photography

We know baby hands and feet are popular for detail photos, but there are some other adorable close-up photos you’ll want to capture. Those squishy newborn cheeks, baby back rolls and wrinkles, eyelashes, pouts, and peach fuzz. All these adorable newborn details you might not think of, but are ones you’re sure to love.

Peach fuzz

Who loves that precious baby fuzz around the neck, arms or back? We do!

Sweet cheeks and rolls

Bring on all the baby rolls and chubby cheeks we can handle. A squishy newborn is simply the sweetest!

Lovely little lashes and pouts

Those lovely little lashes that are so delicate and beautiful on those gently closed eyes of your sleeping newborn.

Let us know which baby detail photos you want to include in your newborn session?


Black and White Maternity Photography 


Natural, Simple Newborn Photos | Vancouver Photographer