Closeup Newborn Photo Ideas | Vancouver Photographer Kim Forrester

Baby’s toes, eyelashes, and all the little details are even more magical when captured by a photographer experienced in “macro” newborn photography, ie. closeup photos. It isn’t enough to just snap any photo of each part of them, as composition and artistry is even more important when you have very little in a photo. Macro newborn photography is accomplished by:

  1. Special lens or camera attachment for the right magnification.

  2. Manual focusing and exposure so it’s sharp in just the right spot and blurry elsewhere.

  3. Knowledge of light to give shape to the details.

  4. Posting skills so you’re not looking up baby’s nose or missing important details.

  5. Understanding of composition to draw your eye to the focal point.

  6. Skills and equipment to help soothe baby to sleep.

  7. The steadiness of a sniper when you exhale and grab this shot so it’s in focus!


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