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5 Ways to Support Exhaustion in Motherhood | Bloom Natural Nutrition

Motherhood brings on many challenges that can lead to exhaustion: sleepless nights, breastfeeding challenges, feelings of stress and overwhelm, to name a few. And while there are lots of resources out there to help with supporting baby’s sleep, lactation consultants for breastfeeding challenges, counsellors and therapists for feelings of stress and overwhelm, one thing that is often overlooked is the role nutrition and lifestyle can play in supporting exhaustion in motherhood. Read on below for 5 ways to support exhaustion in Motherhood.

1. Consume oily fish or seaweed

Oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines contain essential fatty acids, specifically high concentrations of DHA, which have been known to support healthy brain function, including memory, concentration and lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s. For plant based folks, a reliable source of DHA can be found in algae, seaweed and spirulina.

2. Choose Whole Grain or starchy vegetables as carb sources

Stabilizing blood sugar can make a huge difference when it comes to supporting exhaustion. Whole grains and starchy veggies have a lower GI (Glycemic Index), releasing glucose more slowly in the bloodstream than their processed counterparts. Pairing them with a veggie starter, like a salad will lower the glucose spike even more. According to @theglucosegoddess’s research, “dressing your carbs” by eating veggies before starchy carbs is the best way to flatten the glucose curve. Choosing whole grains also means that the beneficial nutrients are more intact.

3. Take a Prenatal Multivitamin

Even though you’re not pregnant anymore, it’s recommended to continue taking a prenatal multivitamin for the duration of your breastfeeding journey, or the first 6 weeks postpartum if not breastfeeding. A prenatal multivitamin contains all the nutrients needed to support you throughout your pregnancy and will help replete the nutrients lost. While I always recommend a whole food diet over taking too many supplements, many new mothers are nutritionally deficient due to lack of time to prepare nutrient dense meals and taking a multi-vitamin can be a great way to insure that essential nutrients are being repleted.

4. Spend some time outdoors, everyday

Going for a walk, rain or shine, during the day and increasing exposure to daylight help support the circadian rhythm. Exposure to sunlight is most beneficial if it occurs in the morning just after waking, typically within the first hour after crawling out of bed, if possible. Some ways to get the outdoors time in are to do a stroller nap for one of baby’s naps, walking to the park instead of driving, or taking some time for a solo walk instead.

5. Ditch the Caffeine & Alcohol

This might a controversial one. In our culture, reaching for a coffee first thing in the morning, and night capping with a glass of wine is common and almost celebrated. A caffeine fix after a sleepless night might seem like a great idea and the way to get through, but the over consumption of caffeine can exacerbate the cycle by disrupting sleep. The average half-life of caffeine in healthy individuals is about 5 hours, and caffeine being a stimulant means it's not ideal for promoting quality sleep. Plus, when you’re stressed out, your body releases the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Removing it from your day or limiting your consumption to one cup in the morning keeps cortisol and melatonin at their natural rhythms, which results in better sleep and less fatigue.

Regular consumption of alcohol can affect the quality of your sleep making you feel tired and sluggish. This is because drinking disrupts your sleep cycle. Compounded by night wakings, and stress, sleepless nights added on by the consumption of caffeine or alcohol have an impact on day-to-day mental health, mood, concentration and decision-making. 

Instead of a coffee, try decaf (There are some great brands of decaf beans out there, my personal favourite being from The Foggy Bean) or switch to a caffeine-free option like adaptogenic elixirs. Harmonic Arts, Blume, and Organika all offer tasty caffeine free alternatives that will give you that cozy feeling. There’s also a growing market for non- alcoholic wines and drinks. Companies like Sansorium have curated a selection of beautiful and tasty zero-proof options.

If you are suffering from chronic exhaustion, it’s important to get your levels checked by a your family doctor, a Naturopath or a Holistic Nutritionist who offers comprehensive testing like the DUTCH Hormone test. Some tests to request from your primary care provider include a complete metabolic panel, Iron with Total binding capacity (TIBC), Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and a complete blood count with differentials. Lifestyle and diet can play a huge role in supporting exhaustion, but it’s good to rule out any medical conditions.

*A Nutrition Consultant does not diagnose or treat disease but aims to work in complement to medical treatment as an educational supplement. Angela is not a doctor. Information offered should be taken as recommendation and not medical advice. Please consult your primary care provider before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Angela Hollett, Bloom Natural Nutrition

Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant

Certified Holistic Private Chef

Pregnancy & Postpartum Specialist

Angela provides nutritional support to pregnant and postpartum mothers through individual nutrition consults and private chef services. Her mission is to empower and support women’s journey into motherhood through nutrition and food by providing them the tools to thrive in pregnancy and heal and nourish their bodies in postpartum.

She created "The Bloom Bundle", a weekly meal delivery, with a focus on warming, healing and seasonal plant-forward foods to support postpartum mamas and their families. All of our meals are designed with a focus on the essential nutrients for postpartum healing, but can be enjoyed by anyone.

Use code KIM25 for $25 off services (including prenatal/postpartum consults, or a Bloom Bundle. Offer valid until December 31, 2022.